Why we need Improved Cook Stove
- Happy Women and girls are the future of country. But in our Country women and girls have the highest exposure to biomass smoke.
- 8 in 10 rural homes use firewood chulhas for cooking in India.
- Over 150 million homes in India using ‘Firewood Chulhas’ for cooking.
- Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) from chulhas claims as hocking 500,000 lives in India every Year, most of whom are women & children, according to WHO.
- Blow pipes used to fire “Firewood Chulhas” makes women inhale gases equivalent to smoking over 5 cigarettes a day.
- Burning solid fuels emit carbon monoxide, particulates, Benzene and Formaldehyde which can result in Pneumonia, Asthma, Blindness lung Cancer, tuberculosis and low Birth weight.
- Nearly 70% of rural household’s kitchens in India don’t even have ventilation.
- WHO estimate pollution levels in rural Indian Kitchen to be 30 times higher than recommended levels?
- Suspended particles present inside a kitchen have 1,000 times greater chance to penetrate deep into your lungs than the suspended particles outside.
Cookstoves Save The Valuable Forests & Protecting the Environment
On average, the total forest cover has declined every year. This is mainly caused by the deforestation coming from the collection of biomass and cutting trees as it is the most common primary energy source for cooking. The demand for firewood for cooking exceeds natural regeneration, leading to massive deforestation. If deforestation continues at the current rate, we will have lost major portion of its forests by 2050.
Deforestation also has a very strong impact on climate change as trees store CO2 throughout their life. By destroying these trees, the capacity of the global ecosystem to store CO2 is reduced. Less trees means less CO2 absorbed and therefore more greenhouse effect.
The Project proposes efficient cookstoves to rural families which reduces damage to the ecosystem. With the implementation of one cookstove, CO2 emission is avoided per year, and more than 2 fully grown trees are protected.